Anticipating broad utility as a communication tool for the D3 community, we plan to implement an online forum when resourcing allows. Initially this will be aimed at practitioners and researchers, and a section for affected families will be added subsequently if interest warrants it.

The proposed goal of the Practitioner/Researcher Forum is to facilitate translational interactions whether they be e-discussions about diagnosis and treatment approaches, or to check case suitability for research investigation and the availability of appropriate experimental resources. The Family Forum is envisaged more as an online peer-support tool. Both components would have searchable archives, so providing educational efficiency through access to real-life FAQs.

Those of you with strong thoughts about such initiatives are encouraged to make contact

Stop-Gap "Suggestions Board" for the internationalisation of D3G

With the recent addition of International Friends to our membership, we're really keen to generate a more-globalised perspective about how best our community can develop from the foundational experiences Down Under. For example, what is needed to make D3G more relevant in your land, and what might we do collectively as an international team that currently is difficult for smaller groups?

Until the online forum is implemented, members are encouraged to share their ideas on our "Suggestions Board". Simply email us your thoughts and say you AGREE to have them publicised in semi-anonymous fashion as below (may be edited for brevity and clarity).

Can Sam's story be made available in Spanish? VP, Chile
Can the FAMILY section be made available in Spanish? VP, Chile
Build links with international dental hygienist associations MG, Canada
Provide links to international researcher's websites HR, UK
Researchers could team up for major international grants HR, UK
How about D3G research prizes for postgraduate projects? HR, UK
Internationalise and enrich RESEARCHERS section SB, UK
Leverage AI severity and MH prevalence to attract funding JK, UK
Exploit D3G to integrate AI and MH communities AM & JK, UK
Add bibliography for AI AM, UK
Educational webinars via AAPD etc WC, USA
Research "tooth bank" for MH and other D3 specimens AA, USA